Power-up a hero blog with Jekyll
Setting up a modular Jekyll blog with Continuous Integration and Deployment
18 min read
Having had my blog on WordPress for a while now, I thought I needed a lighter platform, especially since my blog content is very lightweight and I don't need a fledged CRM. Another reason to move away from WordPress was the need to have a collaborative effort and to write posts in Markdown. I have finally decided on Jekyll for its simplicity and extensibility.
Jekyll takes your content written in Markdown, passes it through your templates, and spits it out as a completely static website, ready to be served. Jekyll is a static site generator in contrast to WordPress.
In dynamic websites, as in the case of WordPress, when a visitor gets to a website, a server-side script will query one or many databases to get the content for the requested page. The server-side script will then pass the results to a templating engine that will format and arrange everything and generate an HTML file for the user to consume. This is a heavy task, although you can optimize that with various caching mechanisms. This concept makes sense for content that changes often, thus the name "dynamic".
A static site proposes to shift the heavy load from the moment visitors request the content to the moment content changes. When a visitor requests a page, the content is already rendered and ready to be served as the build process had been already executed at the build stage offline.
This means that whenever the content is changed, the whole site has to be rebuilt. For small sites, the build time is minimal. Yet, for larger ones, the build time can be about 10 times as long. The build time depends on some factors, such as the number of loops and other code complexities you have going on.
Another reason for choosing Jekyll for me was their incremental build feature. This means that instead of rebuilding the entire site, Jekyll rebuilds only the files that changed. That is, instead of completely blowing away and rebuilding the whole site from scratch each time, Jekyll regenerates just the part that changed.
To sum up the advantages of static site generators
- Speed: As there are no database queries to run, no templating and no processing whatsoever on every request, the content is served very fast
- Content Version Control: In a static site, the content is typically stored in flat files and treated as any other component of the codebase
- Security: Static sites keep it simple since there's not much to mess up when there's only a web server serving plain HTML pages
- Ease-of-use: The site generation process can be done from an environment that you control locally and not necessarily on the web server that will run the site which means that there is very little hassle to set up the server and maintain it
- Scalability: A static site is generally better prepared for unexpected traffic peaks, as serving static HTML pages consumes a very small amount of server resources
Jekyll uses the to process and render HTML. There are two important things to know about using Liquid. First, a YAML front-matter block is at the beginning of every content file. It specifies the layout of the page and other variables, like title, date and tags. It may include custom page variables that you’ve created, too. Liquid template tags are used to execute loops and conditional statements and to output content.
Setting up the environment
Jekyll is a command-line executable built with Ruby and has a few commands we need to run from time to time. Ruby comes installed by default on various operating systems, the latest stable version is 2.3.1, but anything above 2.2 should be fine. If you need to upgrade, we recommend using something like rbenv to make it easy.
You can then install Jekyll easily by executing:
gem install jekyll -v 3.1.6
Now, creating a new Jekyll site is as easy as:
jekyll new awesome-blog
The new
command here will create an install of Jekyll with the default theme.
Jekyll comes with a built-in development server. jekyll
serve` command starts this server on your machine and starts watching your files for changes similar to Grunt or Gulp.
For more detailed instructions about setting up Jekyll sites, I recommend reading:
Directory Structure
Jekyll is, at its core, a text transformation engine. The concept behind the system is this: you give it text written in your favorite markup language, be that Markdown, Textile, or just plain HTML, and it churns that through a layout or a series of layout files.
- _data: In addition to the built-in variables in the main config, you can specify your own custom data that can be accessed from here
- _includes: Snippets of code that can be used throughout your templates
- _layouts: The main layouts defined for various pages and posts
- _pages: Any special pages that are not of type posts
- _drafts: This folder actually isn’t there if you are using the default theme. You can create this empty folder now, but this is just where you will store unpublished posts
- _plugins: Any defined ruby plugins if you have any
- _posts: The main folder than contains the markdown posts
- _script: Contains any additional scripts you would like to run and define in your config file
- assets: The main container for .js,scss,css,etc. files. Also contains any font file definitions
- images: The main images folder
- index.md: The main landing page/homepage
- posts: This is an extra page defined with a permalink and will act as my paginated archive
Files you need to know about!
- _config.dev.yml: Jekyll configuration overrides for local dev environment
- _config.yml: The default jekyll configuration file
- posts.json: JSON file containing data
- gruntfile.js: The main build file using Grunt.js
is , containing all of the settings for your Jekyll website. The great thing about _config.yml is that you can also specify all of your own variables here to be pulled in via template files across the website. Some notable configurations are:
- url: This is the main address of the blog/website which is also accessed by the
liquid variable - github-repo: This points to the Github repository where the posts are being saved. This is used in the post header to create the "contribute to this post" link.
- background.default-post: This is the default image used in the generation of the post preview if there was no image post defined.
- permalink: This defines the structure of the URL for the posts
- sass: Defines the location of the preprocessing files
- google-analytics: This is the Google Analytics tracking information that will be picked up by the
to inject the Google Analytics script. - featured: This is an initialization of an empty array that will be used to save featured articles
- disquss.shortname: This is Disquss website shortname which is used to inject
Posts & Pages
There are two main types of web pages that I am using; the default post
type which goes to the _posts
and converts any .md
file into an html page and a page
which is rendered based on the templates defined in /_pages
What is notable about a page is the ability to define a permalink
in the front matter e.g., permalink: /tags.html
. This means that this is the page that will be access from {{site.url}}/tags
. Jekyll will then look at the layout
defined in the front matter and render the correct file from _layouts
Collaborating on Posts
Since one of the reasons I moved to Jekyll and markdown-based blog is to enable people to contribute to my posts. To do so, I host the posts into a and include that as a separate git submodule by configuring the
as follows:
[submodule "_posts"]
path = _posts
url = https://github.com/ahmadassaf/blog.git
Featured Posts
In the homepage I want always to show a set of most recent N featured posts. To do that, I have added a featured
property in the front matter that will indicate if this post that I want is featured or not.
For pagination I have used the gem which should be included in the
paginate: 7
paginate_path: 'posts/page/:num'
The paginate_path
is the important property that we need to take care about. It specifies the page that we want to enable pagination on. The plugin does not support pagination on tag
and category
pages, so as a workaround I have a new /posts
route that will contain all the posts and enable pagination on them. To do so, I have created a new directory called posts
in the root folder with an index.html
page. This will be picked up by Jekyll and result in a /posts
page. The page contains normal Liquid templates as follows:
{% raw %}
<div class="archive-container">
<ul class="archive">
{% for post in paginator.posts %} {% include partials/post.html %} {% endfor %} {% include
partials/archive/pagination.html %}
{% endraw %}
You notice that the pagination is enabled by including the partial _includes/partials/archive/pagination
Categories and Tag Pages
In a fashion similar to Wordpress I wanted to have pages for my categories and tags, to do so I have used gem. The plugin is enabled in the
- categories
- tags
category: archive
tag: archive
tag: '/:name/'
category: '/:name/'
This is straightforward as I just specify that I want to enable them on both category and tag pages and specify the layout that will render those pages. The permalink specifies the url of the page, I have set that up to be the name of the category or the tag.
The layout specified has to be in the
Another special page I created is a tags archive page. This is done by creating a page in /_pages
and a tags-archive
template. The main code to bring all the blog tags and their posts is:
{% raw %}
{% capture site_tags %}
{% for tag in site.tags %}
{{ tag | first }}
{% unless forloop.last%},{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}{% endcapture %}
{% assign tags = site_tags | split:',' | sort %}
{% for item in (0..site.tags.size) %}
{% unless forloop.last %}
{% capture tag %}{{ tags[item] | strip_newlines }}{% endcapture %}
<h2 id="{{ tag }}" class="tag-heading">{{ tag }}</h2>
<ul class="archive">
{% for post in site.tags[tag] %}
{% if post.title != null %}
{% include partials/post.html %}
{%endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endraw %}
Data Files
As explained in the directory structure, the _data
folder is where you can store additional data for Jekyll to use when generating your site. These files must be YAML, JSON, or CSV files (using either the .yml
, .yaml
, .json
or .csv
extension), and they will be accessible via site.data
Extra Features
There are various features powered by a set of JavaScript plugins and functions. These are mainly:
- Responsive videos using
- Image Gallery using
- Embedding Github Gists using
gist {{gist-id}} {{gist-name}}
- Embedding Tweets by simply pasting the url of a tweet e.g.,
into the post. The url will be picked up byplugin and rendered properly
- Embedding YouTube videos with
youtube {youtube-video-id}
where you pass the id of the YouTube video using - Embedding Vimeo videos with
vimeo {vimeo-video-id}
where you pass the id of the Vimeo video using - Open Graph, Twitter and Schema.or annotation enabled
- Image compression using
Dynamic Navigation Menu
I wanted to have a navigation menu that is dynamic and shows automatically all the categories I have configured in the posts front matter. To do that, I use the following:
{% raw %}
{% capture site_categories %}
{% for category in site.categories %}
{{ category | first }}
{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign categories = site_categories | split:',' | uniq %}
{% for item in (0..categories.size) %}{% unless forloop.last %}
{% capture category %}{{ categories[item] | strip_newlines }}{% endcapture %}
<li {% if page.title == category or page.category == category %} class="current" {% endif %}><a href="{{ site.url }}/{{ category | downcase | replace:' ', '-'}}">{{ category }}</a></li>
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endraw %}
As you see that I transfer the name of the category to lower case and replace any space with
to match the permalink generated by Jekyll.
Image Gallery
To utilize the image gallery we need to provide a simple markup
{% raw %}
{% capture images %} /static/images/quora-better-notification.png {% endcapture %}
{% include partials/post/gallery.html images=images caption="Quora Better Notifications (QBN) ChromeExtension" cols=1 %}
{% endraw %}
note that the directory we referring to is /images/posts
. This is the directory that we will copy all the posts images to using our grunt build script. Also you can pass multiple images in between the capture
There are also few CSS classes to display images side-by-side like:
<figure class="half">
<a href="http://placehold.it/1200x600.JPG"><img src="http://placehold.it/600x300.jpg"></a>
<a href="http://placehold.it/1200x600.jpeg"><img src="http://placehold.it/600x300.jpg"></a>
<figcaption>Two images.</figcaption>
<figure class="third">
In addition, there are various CSS classes for image alignment. They are:
# The image blow happens to be **centered**.
{: .align-center}
# The image blow happens to be **left aligned**.
{: .align-left}
# The image blow happens to be **right aligned**.
{: .align-right}
HTML Tags and Formatting
- Subscript Tag: Getting our science styling on with
, which should push the "2" down. - Superscript Tag: Still sticking with science and Isaac Newton's
E = MC<sup>2</sup>
, which should lift the 2 up. - Keyboard Tag: This scarcely known tag emulates
<kbd>keyboard text</kbd>
, which is usually styled like the<code>
tag. - Abbreviation Tag: Doing
*[CSS]: Cascading Style Sheets
will result in: The abbreviation CSS stands for "Cascading Style Sheets". - Notices: You can also add notices by appending
{: .notice}
to a paragraph.
There are also a variety of button styles that can be used as follows:
[Primary Button Text](#link){: .btn}
[Success Button Text](#link){: .btn .btn_success}
[Warning Button Text](#link){: .btn .btn_warning}
[Danger Button Text](#link){: .btn .btn_danger}
[Info Button Text](#link){: .btn .btn_info}
A notice displays information that explains nearby content. Often used to call attention to a particular detail.
When using Kramdown {: .notice}
can be added after a sentence to assign the .notice
to the <p></p>
element. There are the following notices types:
{: .notice}
{: .notice_info}
{: .notice_warning}
{: .notice_danger}
{: .notice_success}
Code Formatting
I use rouge syntax highlighter that comes with Jekyll. Rouge can be installed if not already via gem install rouge
then enabled in configs.yml
with highlighter: rouge
. I am using a custom theme that is defined in /assets/_sass/_syntax.scss
. For various themes and presets you can check:
For any of the later, you can simply copy and replace the code in /assets/_sass/_syntax.scss
and you should be good to go.
Enabling Search
One thing I wanted to add is the ability to perform full text search on the posts. To do so, I first wanted to be able to grab the posts data and have them saved. I managed to o that by creating the /posts.json
{% raw %}
[ {% for post in site.posts %}
{ "{{ forloop.index }}" : { "id" : "{{ forloop.index }}","title" : "{{ post.title | escape }}", "category" : "{{ post.categories | join: ' ' }}", "content" : "{{post.content | strip_html | strip_newlines | remove: " " | escape | remove: "\"}}", "url" : "{{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }}", "date" : "{{ post.date }}" } } {% unless forloop.last %},{%endunless %}
{% endfor %} ]
{% endraw %}
Now by requesting {{site.url}}/posts.json
I am able to have a JSON file that contains the post id, title, category, url, published data and most importantly the content. Enabling full text search is done with by iterating the
and building our index
// This will include the posts.json built in the _site by jekyll
var posts = require('../../../_site/posts.json')
// We would like now to fetch the posts JSON data into lunr.js and build the index
var index = el(function () {
this.addField('title', { boost: 10 })
this.addField('content', { boost: 5 })
_.each(posts, function (post) {
Putting it all together
To wrap up all these features together I have created a little build script using Grunt.js
. The notable build actions are:
- Cleaning up working directories (the images folder and the built JavaScript destination)
- Create the images directory that we will copy the posts images into as well as the JavaScript build destination directory
- Copy the images from the posts directory into the main images folder
Now, I would like to easily be able deploy my application on my live server as well as being able to run and test it in my local machine. The main thing to note here is that we need to have the url
pointing to two different URIs on each machine. To do this dynamically, I created a new _config.dev.yml
file that will overwrite only the url
setting to run on localhost:4000
and kept the url in my main _config.yml
to my live server address.
Now, after doing that to serve the site locally I pass in the --config
flag with the two config files, with the overriding config last as: bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental --config _config.yml,_config.dev.yml
note that the
is a defualt optional flag to optimize the build and serve process by rebuilding changed files only and not the whole site
Using Jekyll, Grunt and Browserify
I use in my
to easily bundle up all of my front-end dependencies. Now, if I am serving my site and want to test my JavaScript changes, it is painful to build everytime the site for that. The jekyll watch feature will not run browserify for me, so instead I use the with a
task defined to monitor and fire a browserify build whenever a change is detected and a background shell process using to serve. The all come together like:
clean: ['assets/js/build/'],
mkdir: {
images: {
options: { create: ['images/posts'] }},
js: {
options: { create: ['assets/js/build'] }
copy: {
images: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: '_posts/images',
src: ['**'],
dest: 'images/posts/'
imagemin: {
dynamic: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'images/posts/',
src: ['**/*.{png,jpg,gif}'],
dest: 'images/posts/'
browserify: {
dist: {
files: {
'assets/js/build/main.js': ['assets/js/src/**/*.js']
options: {
debug: true,
standalone: pkg['export-symbol']
minified: {
files: { src: ['assets/js/build/main.js'], dest: '_site/assets/js/build/' }
bgShell: {
jekyllBuild: {
cmd: 'jekyll build --incremental',
done: function() {
console.log("Finished Building Jekyll Site");
jekyllServe: { cmd: 'bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental' },
jekyllLocal: { cmd: 'bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental --config _config.yml,_config.dev.yml' }
watch: {
files: ['assets/js/**/*.js'],
tasks: ['copy', 'browserify']
concurrent: {
serve: [
local: [
options: {
logConcurrentOutput: true
In the end, I have three main grunt tasks:
// Register the grunt build task
grunt.registerTask('build', [
// Register the grunt serve task
grunt.registerTask('serve', ['build', 'minified', 'concurrent:serve'])
// Register the grunt serve task locally
grunt.registerTask('local', ['build', 'newer:imagemin', 'minified', 'concurrent:local'])
// Register build as the default task fallback
grunt.registerTask('default', 'build')